Sunday, March 18, 2012

Prairie Schooler, Mystery Sampler, Buster and Katy....End of Spring Break-Erin Go Braugh

It has been a busy weekend as we wrap up Spring Break. The last kid went back to college this morning so tore the house apart and cleaned. There is always too much going on that cleaning gets,
pardon the pun, swept under the rug. 

So yesterday, while running errands like mad...paint store for paint to redo the kids/guest bathroom, Home Depot for a new shower rod and check out new fixtures, groceries and Pet Supplies for dog food, Buster got a green bandana in honor of St. Patricks Day...Erin Go Braugh.  This morning he got it off .  Enough of the fancy pants stuff.  He hates to have his picture taken, so he turns away.
He did look very cute sitting on Katy's lap this morning before she left. He loves his pet girl. 

 Finished the grass under the sheep today since I was up so early to make her breakfast before she left.  the sheep look even better than ever. 
 Experimented with a different angle.  It would look better with it pressed but, just an early attempt. 
 Finally, hung the Mystery Sampler from With Thy Needle and Thread.  I think it looks just dandy here. 

 The weather is unseasonable warm. The robins are singing like crazy.   We have the windows open, the ceiling fans on, barbequed a steak and had cocktails on the porch tonight.  Will sleep with the windows open as we did last night and it isn't even spring yet.  Usually spring doesn't hit the UP until May.  It will just mess up the lilacs.  We will probably have a freeze while they are budding and no lilacs.  I hate that when that happens because, I love lilacs. 

So the house is cleaned, the ironing is done, the pictures around the house are changed, yet again. 
Thanks for stopping.  Keep on stitching!

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