Monday, May 28, 2018

So Sweet

Bob was weeding the front bed and as he walked past a cedar bush a little bird shot out.
Being the nosy Nelly he is, he had to investigate
We have a little birds nest in the bush with four of the most beautiful blue eggs.  
Zoomed in on it.
The nest is maybe three inches across.  
We need to leave it alone now and will.  
The work is done.  

Got the rest of my pots planted yesterday.  
Just waiting for them to grow.  

Finished the third part of WTN&T Summer Schoolhouse series.  
One more to go.  
They go fast but at the same time, seem to take forever.  
Frogging is next to impossible.  
I had the "Remember" in the wrong spot so, had to rip it all out!  :(

I will be working on my sister's Birthday present so there will be limited posts on that.
I will have other things to post.  

I was so happy to have a long weekend!
One of my co-workers is on maternity leave, the other's mother passed away last Tuesday.
The funeral is tomorrow and she plans to be off the rest of the week.
Needless to say, its been hopping.  

Have a wonderful week!
Keep on Stitching. 


  1. Love the pictures of the birds' nest! Congratulations on getting part 3 finished. I like the flag on the side of the house. Way to go on getting all your pots planted!

  2. That nest will be fun to watch. One year, a bird built a nest in one of our hanging baskets. Of course, no water for that plant until the babies flew away!!Frogging any over one is a nightmare!! Believe me I have done it!!!

  3. What a pretty little nest.
    Your WTNAT series is looking good.
    Sounds like you have a busy work week!
