I have several issues of SANQ and I have the CD.
I've been on the hunt for a Quaker Sampler to see if I would like it with the chicken egg colors.
In the meantime, I fell down a rabbit hole and have spent several hours quickly perusing issues.
I have been keeping notes.
Some have really grabbed me.
Ann Hicks 1820
Margaret Ure 1794
Volume 49
Queen of the Sea (not an antique)
JaneThomlison 1851
Volume 25
(The other side of the sampler was on the next page)
Sarah Lee 1806
Volume 39
Mary Oldfield 1806
Volume 41
Quaker Medallion Sampler (not a reproduction)
Volume 21
I thought I finished the Tree of Life on Martha Dawson but, noticed
I missed an apple on the top left branch.
I'll fix it after dinner before I get too far on a berry bowl.
Taking Brenda and the Serial Starter's advice I ordered a thread winder from
I ordered a cherry finished with varnish.
It works so great for winding the DMC for thread drops.
My colors from the chicken egg match are ready for when I find a pattern.
Here's the eggs and the floss.
The dark egg is with 400 but I may use 301 instead or maybe both...who knows.
So pretty!!!
This week could potentially be horrible!
We are suppose to be moving into a new clinic....don't get excited
We were sold to a rehab company in August.
The new company has a building that they were only using half of.
Rather than gutting it, they decided to remodel half and and front office.
So it will most likely look like two different clinics which is not exactly conducive to blending two staffs. Like a couple with kids from seperate relationships be married but, having everyone on opposite sides of a house. YIKES!!
There are design issues too, like the cabinets are too high and too low for me.
I'm 61, with one knee replacement so I don't kneel and I'm 5'3" and these cabinets are made for people six feet tall.
UGH! I just want to retire but, insurance is keeping me working. Double UGH!!
Enough complaining.
Hope life where you are is good and you have gotten lots of stitching time.
May you get a vaccination soon if you haven't already.
Until then wear your mask, hand sanitize and social distance.
Keep on Stitching