I''ll get to that later.
It seems I always start with "Its been a week."
Well it was....Bob's mom fell on Monday and broke her pelvis in two places, one was the socket part of the joint. She is going to be 92 in two weeks and not a good surgical candidate. She is at a nursing home for rehab and doing okay at this time. She prefers pajamas and not exactly easy with the injury. The only place in town to get night gowns is Walmart on short notice. I had to go there last Wednesday and haven't been there since August 2019. It is the only major retailer for 50 miles and they know it. The place was a disaster, tags and debris all over the floor and there weren't many night gowns had to get cheesy cheap night shirts that probably won't hold up past a couple of washings there. It was disgusting. Shame on Walmart and the store manager for allowing this to happen. It was revolting.
I have been working on Martha Dawson and finished the verse this week over one and 40 count. I think this is a huge accomplishment. I have lots of fun stuff to do now. This is very enjoyable.
I did finish a pair of socks for Bob this week. Just in time. He has worn holes in two pairs. I may see if I can try and fix them. I fixed a pair for Ed once but, the hole wasn't in the heel. It may just be darning. It might not be worth the effort. I should learn how to knit them form the toe up. I hear you can re-knit the heel if done that way. So the next pair goes to Katy and she picked out some self striping yarn from what I pulled from my stash. These are going to be gorgeous. I am trying a new pattern I saw on Flosstube. You don't turn the heel. The heel is knit in ribbing. The pattern is one Ravelry called Magic Heel Socks. Going to try and see how it goes. It's not a fancy pattern. I want it mindless.
Now Lessons in Photography. I was talking to Katy and she saw the socks because I posted it on Instagram along with a picture of White Chicken Chili and Homemade Corn Muffins. She explained to me that soup really doesn't ever photograph well. I guess it doesn't photograph well. But it tasted really good. I have lunch for the week. What sums up the week.
I did get my second Covid vaccine since I'm considered an essential healthcare worker.
I had the Pfizer and minimal issues. I had a little sore arm and a headache until bedtime.
Don't be afraid to get it.
Wear your mask, wash your hands and social distance.
Keep Stitching