Monday, May 14, 2018

An Epiphany

I think I have had an epiphany.
Let me explain.  
I though about going to the Stitching Bee this weekend but, decided I really didn't need to spend money.  (Thats a whole nother story)
I was thinking why the pull?
I can't contain myself when it comes to buying patters.
I was wondering 'why is this'?
I think I figured it out.
I want to finish projects fast but, it just doesn't work that way.  
I think you get just as much as a rush buying a pattern as finishing one.  
You just can't finish them fast enough  

I started WTN&T Summer Schoolhouse #3
I love the way they look but, they take time to complete
I am making progress  
These turn out so great!
Hope you had a good Mother's Day.
I did.
Bob always helps at church with the Mother's Day Breakfast.  
I much prefer to stay home, drink coffee, watch CBS Sunday Morning and stitch.  
My son took me out to lunch and got me a bluetooth speaker.
My ancient I Touch and speaker dock have just bit the dust.  
This speaker is really slick and works well with my phone.  

For some of you, stay dry.  
For the rest of us have a wonderful week.  
Keep on Stitching


  1. I think you are right about the pull of buying something new (chart, fabric, threads) even though one has enough. Your part #3 is looking good. Enjoy your week!

  2. I feel the same way about buying. :)
    They especially get you when they do the series, you just HAVE to buy the whole set!
    Summer Schoolhouse is a very pretty set.
    Itrains every day and pours every night here in WI.
    The water table is so high that I can't do any wash, thus the laundromat. YUK!
    Have fun with your new toy and have a great week!

  3. I agree with your thoughts on my mind I think I stitch much faster than reality 😂 so I have been trying real hard just to use what’s in my own store! Enjoy your Bluetooth....

  4. Sounds like you had a very nice Mother's Day. Mine was lovely too. I do think you just might be on to something. I got 3 charts in the mail this week!!! Go figure!!
